Express diagnostics Check-Up
To choose the treatment you need, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease. But sometimes, in order to identify the problem, it is necessary to undergo a whole range of diagnostic procedures. Therefore, along with narrowly targeted diagnostics of a specific disease, expanded express diagnostics Check-Up, which is aimed at examining the human body as a whole, is becoming increasingly popular in Israel.
An extensive diagnostic program involves conducting a comprehensive examination of the human body using the latest technical achievements of world medicine.
Extended medical examination of the body includes:
- Complete laboratory and functional diagnostics of the body
- Diagnosis and recommendations for further treatment
- Consultations with medical specialists
- Additional examinations as necessary
An extended diagnostic program is compiled for each patient separately, taking into account gender, age, presence of chronic diseases and individual characteristics. The entire range of diagnostic procedures takes on average 3-4 days.
Check-Up complex for men:
- Advanced blood test: electrolytes, pancreatic function study, kidney function test, liver function test, lipid level check (cholesterol and triglycerides), sugar level.
- A blood test that reveals the presence of inflammatory processes in the body – CRP
- General urine analysis: checking the composition of proteins, sugar levels, red blood cells, white blood cells, pH, epithelial cells and analysis for the presence of microbes
- Blood test for H.I.V (HIV) (performed only with the patient’s consent)
- Measurement of blood pressure, height, weight
- Measurement of BMI index (body mass)
- Diagnosis of prostate cancer – PSA check
- Hearing test
- General vision test: eyeball, visual focus, intraocular pressure. Screening for early detection of glaucoma
- Checking the function of the respiratory system
- Chest X-ray with a radiologist's report
- Cardio testing (bicycle ergometry, ECG, stress test)
- Consultation with a cardiologist
- Final interview with a specialist in internal medicine, a conclusion on all tests performed and further recommendations.
Check-Up complex for women:
- Advanced blood test: electrolytes, pancreatic function study, kidney function test, liver function test, lipid level check (cholesterol and triglycerides), sugar level.
- A blood test that reveals the presence of inflammatory processes in the body – CRP
- General urine analysis: checking the composition of proteins, sugar levels, red blood cells, white blood cells, pH, epithelial cells and analysis for the presence of microbes
- Blood test for H.I.V (HIV) (performed only with the patient’s consent)
- Measurement of blood pressure, height, weight
- Measurement of BMI index (body mass)
- Hearing test
- General vision test: eyeball, visual focus, intraocular pressure. Screening for early detection of glaucoma
- Checking the function of the respiratory system
- Chest X-ray with a radiologist's report
- Cardio testing (bicycle ergometry, ECG, stress test)
- Consultation with a cardiologist
- Gynecologist consultation + PAP smear
- Consultation with a mammologist
- Final interview with a specialist in internal medicine, a conclusion on all tests performed and further recommendations.
* The Check-Up price includes breakfast in the clinic complex where the examination will be carried out.
* If desired, you can order a VIP Check-Up (VIP Check-Up), the price of which will also include an individual room for waiting for checks and rest, as well as a set of hygiene supplies necessary for the procedures.
In addition to all the above checks, we can organize, at your request, additional consultations with any specialists and additional diagnostic procedures for an additional fee.
Remember! Early detection of the disease – This is half the way to 100% relief from the disease!